Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Lead Funnel for Your Private Practice

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Lead Funnel for Your Private Practice

July 06, 20246 min read

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Lead Funnel for Your Private Practice


Since I started my online practice, landing clients consistently has always been easy. All thanks to having a lead funnel. But before I get into the details, I want to share about the recent launch of the Teletherapy Thrive Toolkit.

If you’re new here, my name is Bev, a speech therapist and a coach. Recently, I hosted a FREE Workshop for speech therapists where I shared the Three Steps to Launching a Thriving Private Practice Online. We had therapists from all over the world who joined— we had someone from Latvia, Nigeria, the US, and the UK. In the workshop, I also launched the Teletherapy Thrive Toolkit for the new batch of students. All in all, it was an exciting experience!

More About the Teletherapy Thrive Toolkit Here

You might be wondering why I am sharing this with you. You see, I want to share a powerful tool that helped me attract clients globally. This tool also allowed me to reach fellow therapists worldwide to join the workshop. And it’s Lead Funnels.

What is a Lead Funnel?

A lead funnel is a strategic system designed to attract potential clients, capture their information, and guide them through a series of steps that convert them into paying customers.

The people who get into your funnel are called leads. In this type of funnel, you give something away for free (lead magnet) in exchange for your leads' information. Once you get their details you can then proceed to nurture them further down your funnel.

Why do therapists need a lead funnel?

For therapists and coaches, having a well-structured lead funnel can be a game-changer. It allows you to streamline your client acquisition process and grow your practice efficiently. Meaning, you don't need to actively interact with your prospects to get their names and emails. With the right messaging, your lead funnel helps your prospects to know you, like you, and trust you until they are ready to commit to your services.

Parts of a Lead Funnel

In my video, I discussed the basic parts of a lead funnel and showed how each step generates leads for you. You see, to create an effective lead funnel, you need to understand its key components and how they work together.

Here are the essential parts:

Lead Magnet

First things first, for a lead funnel to work, you must have a lead magnet.

A lead magnet is something of value that you offer for free in exchange for your potential client's email and name. This could be a free e-book, a guide, a checklist, or any other resource that addresses a common pain point or need of your target audience.

For example, I have my Pricing Confidence Workbook as a lead magnet. This workbook provides insights on how to confidently price their services without compromising the value and expertise they provide in their services.

Learn how to price your therapy services confidently.

Get Your Pricing Workbook for FREE.

Sign-Up Page

The sign-up page, or landing page, is where your potential clients enter their information to receive your lead magnet. This page should be clear, concise, and compelling, with a strong call to action that encourages visitors to sign up.

Once the lead signed up for the lead magnet, this permits you to send them emails. Of course, it is ethical to give your leads the freedom to opt-out or unsubscribe from your email list. Don’t worry. Unsubscribes work both ways. It allows your leads to opt out of your list while also maintaining your list's health.

Thank You Page

After a potential client signs up, they should be directed to a thank you page.

This page serves multiple purposes. It confirms that their sign-up was successful, expresses gratitude for the action, and provides additional information on what to expect next. It's also a great place to invite them to follow you on social media or join your community. You'll see in the video that I used the Thank You page to introduce another opportunity to the leads. (More about this later...)

As you can see, you only need two pages to have a funnel for your private practice business: a sign-up page (or a landing page) and a Thank-you Page. Having these two pages is already a great start to generating leads. But I will show you how you can use a lead funnel to not only generate leads but also get sales.

Here are the other pages that I use in my lead funnel:

Upsell Page

Once a potential client has signed up for your lead magnet, you can offer them an additional service or product. This is known as an upsell and can increase the value of each lead. Normally, upsell products are at a discounted rate to make the sale a no-brainer. It could be a course like the Teletherapy Thrive Toolkit, a paid product like a devotional, or another service.

For example, on my Upsell Page, I promoted my amazing copywriter, Bless. She has been a blessing to my business since I started working with her.

As a therapist myself, I know that you only want to provide quality service for your clients. So, writing the copy for your website and emails is the least of our concerns. It is essential to have clear and right messaging on your website. That is why I asked Bless for help, and I also want other therapists to get to know her and work with her. She is just a breath of fresh air.

Book a Power-Hour Consultation with Bless

Check-Out Page

The checkout page is where your clients finalize their purchase if they opt for the upsell. This page should be straightforward and user-friendly, making it easy for clients to complete their transactions.

Confirmation Page

After the checkout process, the confirmation page reassures clients that their transaction was successful. This page may offer additional resources or encourage clients to follow you on social media. You can maximize the use of your funnel pages by adding other products or actions for your leads to take. But remember to not overwhelm them with your offers.

A Little Something About Email Marketing

An effective lead funnel includes a series of follow-up emails. Once you gather the emails and names of your leads, it’s time to nurture them by sending emails. A simple lead funnel needs a welcome sequence that typically consists of five emails designed to nurture your leads, provide value, and build a relationship with them. These emails should guide your leads further down the funnel, moving them closer to becoming paying clients

Now, I am not saying that you can S-P-A-M them with lots of emails. That will drive your leads away. Yikes! Instead, make sure to send emails that resonate with your audience. By providing valuable content, building trust, and guiding your leads through a series of well-crafted emails, you can significantly increase your conversion rates and grow your practice.

Easy Peasy Funnels

Creating a lead funnel might seem daunting, but it can be simplified using tools like Easy Peasy Funnels. As the name suggests, building funnels with EPF is super easy and fun and I’ve already lost count of the funnels I created using this tool. You can check them out by watching this quick Demo Video.

Having a lead funnel is a powerful way to attract prospects and turn them into loyal customers. Remember, the key to a successful lead funnel is to provide value, build trust, and guide your prospects seamlessly through the funnel. Happy funnel building!

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Hi there, I'm Bev Jessup

Bev was brought up in a Catholic home, where her parents instilled in her a deep faith and reverence for God. Growing up, she attended church regularly and participated in various religious activities. However, when she went to university, her world was turned upside down. Her friends started talking about having a personal relationship with Jesus, and Bev was confused. She had never heard of such a thing, and she didn't know what it meant.

Determined to find answers, Bev began to explore the Christian faith further. She read books, attended Bible studies, and talked to her friends about their experiences. Eventually, she came to understand what it meant to have a personal relationship with Jesus, and she made a commitment to follow Him.

This decision changed Bev's life forever. She experienced a sense of peace and purpose that she had never felt before. She began to see the world through a new lens, one that was filled with hope and joy.

As she continued to grow in her faith, Bev met her future husband at university, and they fell in love. They got married in 1992 and started a family. Bev and her husband have three adorable sons, whom they love and cherish.

Today, Bev and her family live on the Isle of Wight in the UK. She spends her days painting, journaling, spending time with family, walking, and traveling. But above all else, she continues to follow Jesus and share His love with those around her.

Bev's story is one of courage and determination. Despite the confusion and uncertainty she faced, she never gave up on her search for truth. And when she found it, she embraced it with all her heart. Her commitment to Jesus has transformed her life and the lives of those around her.

My mission is to empower women to embrace their creativity and use it as a tool for spiritual and personal growth. Through my work, I aim to inspire women to discover their true potential and overcome any challenges they may face on their journey.


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