An Interview with Meghan Rae

Exploring Creativity and Faith: An Interview with Meghan Rae

July 12, 20245 min read

Hello, and welcome to Women in Action! I am super excited about today’s episode because we have the incredibly talented Meghan Rae joining us. Meghan is a Christian and a creative, and whenever I meet someone who blends these two aspects so beautifully, I get really excited. You're in for an absolute treat, so grab your cup of tea or coffee and let's dive in.

Before we get started, I want to tell you about an upcoming workshop I'm hosting on July 20th. If you've ever thought about writing a book but felt stuck, this workshop is for you. Whether it's a novel, non-fiction, autobiography, or even a children's book, it can be daunting to start. But what if I told you I wrote a book in two hours? With the help of AI, I turned my ideas into a structured book despite my initial fears about grammar and vocabulary. I believe you also have a book inside you waiting to come out. So, join me for this three-hour workshop on Saturday, July 20th. Places are limited, so book your spot soon!

Meet Meghan Rae: An Inspirational Artist and Storyteller

Meghan Rae is a passionate artist and storyteller whose journey of faith and healing has inspired many. Since 2014, she's been sharing her personal experiences and artwork, encouraging others to find light in dark places and reconnect with their God-given identity. After rediscovering her artistic talent through the Milan Art Institute in 2020, Meghan has seamlessly combined visual art with heartfelt storytelling to bring hope, healing, and encouragement to those she encounters. Her work is deeply rooted in her Christian faith, which serves as the foundation for her mission to uplift and inspire others on their journey toward wholeness.

The Journey of Rediscovering Art

Bev: Thank you so much for joining us, Meghan. Can you tell everyone where you're from?

Meghan: I’m right in the middle of the United States, in Kansas.

Bev: Lovely to connect with you! We initially bonded over Christian art journaling and how we combine our faith with art. You rediscovered your artistic talent as an adult through the Milan Art Institute. How did this experience shape your approach to art and storytelling?

Meghan: It was a transformative experience. I started at the Milan Art Institute in 2020, right before COVID hit. I built my own easel and created an in-home studio while also helping my kids with their remote learning. It was a challenging yet deeply rewarding time. The program pushed me out of my comfort zone, especially with oil painting, which I had never done before. One of my first pieces, a bird, represents that initial leap into this new medium.

Integrating Faith and Healing Through Art

Bev: Your work intertwines faith and healing. Can you share a specific moment or piece of art that represents your faith journey and the impact it has had on your life?

Meghan: Absolutely. One piece that stands out is a painting of a horse, which I created after a profound dream. In the dream, I saw a cramped stable with a mother horse and her fragile newborn. I tried to help by moving the foal, but I got distracted and left it alone. When I returned, the stable had transformed into a spacious, sunlit place, symbolizing that Jesus provides room for both our brokenness and true identity. This dream taught me that our pain and potential can coexist through Christ. It’s about integrating those hard places into our lives and allowing God to work through them.

Bev: That resonates deeply. Last year was tough for me, and I found solace in art. I hosted a retreat focused on brokenness, inspired by the Japanese art of Kintsugi, where broken pottery is mended with gold, making it more beautiful. It’s a powerful metaphor for how God uses our broken moments to create something precious.

The Healing Power of Art

Bev: Can you share a moment of transformative feedback you received from someone impacted by your art?

Meghan: One of my paintings, "Belonging," particularly touched a young girl struggling with an eating disorder and suicidal thoughts. Her guardian reached out to tell me how the image of new life and beauty emerging from brokenness gave her hope. Another piece, "Tides," was created for a mental health awareness movement and symbolizes emerging from depression. It portrays the journey towards light, emphasizing that hope and new life can shine through even in our darkest moments.

Embracing Vulnerability and Creativity

Bev: Art can be daunting, especially for those who feel they aren't creative. How do you respond to people who think they're not creative?

Meghan: Comparison is the thief of joy. Creativity isn't about being perfect; it's about showing up and expressing yourself. It’s intimidating to put personal work out there, but it’s also rewarding. I share my process and the emotions behind my art on my Facebook page, which helps me connect with others and encourage them to be vulnerable. Whether through painting, writing, or any other form, creativity is a healing and powerful force that everyone possesses.

Bev: Absolutely. Art bridges gaps, especially in difficult moments. It brings people together and allows for authentic expression. Thank you, Meghan, for sharing your journey and inspiring us all to embrace our creativity and faith.

You can connect with Meghan on most social media channels. Here is her Facebook page

I hope you enjoyed this inspiring conversation with Meghan Rae. Remember, creativity and faith can lead to profound healing and connection. Don't forget to book your spot for the upcoming writing workshop on July 20th.

Until next time, keep creating and stay inspired!

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Hi there, I'm Bev Jessup

Bev was brought up in a Catholic home, where her parents instilled in her a deep faith and reverence for God. Growing up, she attended church regularly and participated in various religious activities. However, when she went to university, her world was turned upside down. Her friends started talking about having a personal relationship with Jesus, and Bev was confused. She had never heard of such a thing, and she didn't know what it meant.

Determined to find answers, Bev began to explore the Christian faith further. She read books, attended Bible studies, and talked to her friends about their experiences. Eventually, she came to understand what it meant to have a personal relationship with Jesus, and she made a commitment to follow Him.

This decision changed Bev's life forever. She experienced a sense of peace and purpose that she had never felt before. She began to see the world through a new lens, one that was filled with hope and joy.

As she continued to grow in her faith, Bev met her future husband at university, and they fell in love. They got married in 1992 and started a family. Bev and her husband have three adorable sons, whom they love and cherish.

Today, Bev and her family live on the Isle of Wight in the UK. She spends her days painting, journaling, spending time with family, walking, and traveling. But above all else, she continues to follow Jesus and share His love with those around her.

Bev's story is one of courage and determination. Despite the confusion and uncertainty she faced, she never gave up on her search for truth. And when she found it, she embraced it with all her heart. Her commitment to Jesus has transformed her life and the lives of those around her.

My mission is to empower women to embrace their creativity and use it as a tool for spiritual and personal growth. Through my work, I aim to inspire women to discover their true potential and overcome any challenges they may face on their journey.


Christian Art Journaling © 2022 Inspiring Christians from Around the World