Seeking a Christ-centred relationship filled with

deeper meaning and purpose?

Learn How to Art Journal Your Way to God:

Discover Renewal, Creativity, Community and Purpose

on Your Faith Journey:

A Membership for Christian Women who love to express themselves artistically , Overcoming Challenges and Growing a Deeper Relationship with God and Others

Start a transformative journey of self-discovery and emotional healing with our supportive community.

For just £7/month, gain on-demand training, prayer art journal guidance, tools, community and templates to deepen your faith journey.

So how does it work exactly?


3 Simple Steps

👉The Faithful Creativity Essentials is for two specific people….


The aspiring creative soul that wants to experience moments of self-care that rejuvenate their spirit and fill their cup, but doesn't know where to start.


The faith-driven survivor that feels stuck and wants to find joy even in the midst of life's challenges and shift from the pain of loss in areas such as divorce, finances, hope, depression, or health issues to nurturing a renewed sense of purpose, creativity, and unwavering faith.

If you can check one of these boxes, you’re in the right place!

You've been told to do this....

❌Push through on adrenaline and rely solely on your own strength, ( rather than God's) leading to inevitable burnout. 

❌ Receive generic advice that fails to address your unique pain and struggles and you're left feeling that you are going round in circles. ​

❌ Attempt to take up a hobby for self-care, but consistently struggle to find time and end up overwhelmed with guilt. ​

❌ Suppress your pain and loss, hoping they'll fade away on their own, leaving you stuck in a cycle of suffering. ​​

❌ Mask your emotions and try to appear strong, even when you're crumbling inside, leaving you feeling isolated and disconnected. 

❌ Worry about the opinions of others and ignore your own needs, causing your own well-being to take a backseat.

My goodness, you must be exhausted, aren't you?

Have you ever found yourself ALONE wondering,

"When will this seemingly endless cycle of effort and pain come to a close? "

"When will God take these trials and turn them into a meaningful purpose, bringing about the deep healing and renewal I've been craving for so long?"

" When can I spend meaningful and creative time with God without suffering from mum-guilt?"

It's a thought that can hit close to home for many of us.

Or INSTEAD Join other Christian Women and use a tested signature process to unlock the power of your desires and cultivate the life you've been praying for.

Here is what happens when you do that:

✅ You Understand give yourself time to do writing and reflecting , you receive clarity out of the chaos, and find the truths you’ve been searching for.

You Cultivate...An attitude of gratitude , shifting your dark thoughts to thoughts of joy and light, acknowledging each blessing ,no matter how small.

✅You Dive Deep in Prayer...Reaching out to God

with your worries and hopes,

feeling His reassuring embrace

every step of the way.

You Ignite...Your own creative spark ,discovering that even a simple doodle can bring solace to a restless heart


You Set Aside Sacred Time

...Immersing yourself in God’s word , letting His promises

be the anchor in your storm

Open your heart to the Holy Spirit's touch, transforming you within, as God's purpose unfolds through creativity and prayer, guiding you to rise above challenges and find peace.

Hi , I'm Bev

In just eight weeks, my life faced trials and heartbreaks while juggling roles as a mother, wife, and online speech therapist.

Amid home-schooling and caregiving, health issues struck our family, impacting a loved one's serious illness, another's depression, a husband's health scare, and the sudden death of our cat.

Amidst these challenges, it's tempting to withdraw or carry burdens alone. A small incident triggered an emotional release, revealing weeks of accumulated grief and stress.

The tears ( 3 and half hours of ugly crying) held not only that moment's weight but the weight of weeks of turmoil and fear of loss.

Bev Jessup

During those three hours of crying

I tried... 

❌ Diving into the whole Bible but that left me overwhelmed and disconnected 

❌ Forcing myself to pray but it felt my prayers were hitting the ceiling . I felt so alone

❌ In the past I attended art classes that lacked the spiritual depth I was seeking

Then I thought ...what if I used words from the Bible, prayer and doodles to express my emotions and see what happens...

Reflecting on a past art journaling event I had organised, I recalled the stories shared of life's harshest trials—tales of divorce, abuse, cancer, depression and profound loss.

While I had once felt removed from those narratives, my recent experiences bridged the gap.

It became evident that God was showing me a purpose within my pain.

He was revealing that from the chaos of our lives, a message can emerge, and from our vulnerabilities, His vision can take shape. .

And that's when it hit me! My tears stopped and I felt something so deep with God.

And so I decided to create a safe haven for faith-filled creativity and connection.

And this time, I finally started to see the results I'd been working for so long:

✅ Rediscovered moments of self-care that renewed my spirit 

✅ Felt a deeper sense of self-worth and connection with God 

✅ Embraced inner peace amidst life's chaos

You're not alone on this journey. Let's rise above trials and embrace the beauty of faith-inspired creativity together

" Like a butterfly coming from an egg, God has developed me and has let my emotions out. It has helped me get lost in paint and colour and not overthink"


" It has taught me that I don't need to hold onto the pain..I can let go. I felt I received a warm embrace and together we are strong"


" God's give me things visually and we need to value ourselves and see ourselves in the way God sees us"


Watch Karen as she turns her prayer letter into rocks and collages it to her seascape background.

"It speaks of my journey...out of the brokenness, God has brought a lot of good things...amazing things for me over a period of time and shows a way forward."


Watch Beverley relax with Christian music in the background soaking up God's love & creativity

You don't need to be an artist to create beautiful things .

If you can fold, doodle, cut and stick.....then you can create!

Listen to how painting has helped Katrina express her pain, her grief, her hopes and dreams for the future

Listen to Sian as she explains how she has turned the pain into a revelation and how it has helped to be in a community

Listen to Shelley and how her painting has shown her how powerful God's love is for her

Watch Beverley relax with Christian music in the background soaking up God's love & creativity

Listen to Sue as she talks about how God used her brokenness to bring good things

Watch Karen as she turns her prayer letter into rocks and collages it to her seascape background.

You don't need to be an artist to create beautiful things .

If you can fold, doodle, cut and stick.....then you can create!

"I'm nearly 60 and tired of doing 3 jobs. When I saw the journaling and gratitude session...I said that's me!"

Fay ~ Employed support worker & carer

"This training has showed me the importance of just giving thanks for the little things in life"

Theresa ~ Family Support worker




Faithful Creativity Essentials

Your gateway to a transformative journey where faith and creativity intertwine, guiding you towards profound personal growth, spiritual renewal, and a deeper connection with your inner self and God.

Here's What you Get Inside:

Monthly Guided Art/Bible Journals:

Monthly Guided Art/Bible Journals: Receive downloadable journals with themes that align faith and creativity, engaging in artistic expressions of your faith journey.

Monthly Zoom Prayer Meetings:

Participate in intimate prayer gatherings to connect with fellow members, finding solace, strength, and inspiration through shared faith.

Digital Resources and Printables:

Downloadable resources, including prompts, creative exercises, and more, alongside printables for journaling, creative projects, and personal reflections.

Creative Faith Video Tutorials

Gain insights from video tutorials on blending faith and creativity, learning techniques to infuse your art with spiritual depth..

Audio Meditations

Experience a double dose of inspiration: dive into calming guided meditations to ease life's challenges, and bring the Bible to life visually through your journal, creating a unique path to growth for Christian women..


I already bought so many things

that didn’t help me

So why should I consider the Faithful Creativity Essentials Membership?


  • You're no longer on this path alone. Join a supportive community of amazing individuals who are sharing the same journey. 

  • This will empower you to flip the switch from the pain of loss and emotional turmoil to a renewed sense of purpose and creative expression. 

  • This will provide you with the essential accountability, practice, and feedback you need to transform into an even better faith-driven survivor who discovers joy amidst life's challenges. 

  • This isn't just about theory and knowledge; it offers you ready-to-use guided art and Bible journals, prayer meetings, and exclusive resources that you can apply to your journey instantly. 

  • This is nothing like the things you’ve bought before

  • And remember, there's no risk involved. With our 7-day money-back guarantee and the flexibility to cancel at any time, your satisfaction is ensured.

This costs less than a couple cups of coffee at Starbucks but unlike the coffee,

 it holds the potential to transform your entire life, guiding you from pain and loss to a place of purpose and healing.

Here's a sneak peak of what's inside...


You don’t need to struggle through the pain of loss, financial hardship, or emotional turmoil to become a faith-driven survivor with a renewed sense of purpose and creativity.

With a carefully crafted process that combines faith-inspired art, self-care practices, and transformative guidance, you will become an empowered individual who finds joy amidst life's challenges and nurtures a flourishing spirit.

But Wait...

When you Sign up Today you Get These Amazing Bonuses

  • 10% Member Discount on Annual Retreats: Enjoy exclusive savings on transformative retreats that align with your spiritual and creative journey.

  • 10% Discount on the Shop: resources, and curated products from the shop at a special member rate, enhancing your creative expression.

  • Member Spotlights: Celebrate your achievements and creations within our supportive community, inspiring fellow members and fostering a sense of accomplishment.

These bonuses add significant value to your membership, enhancing your experience and providing opportunities for deeper engagement and connection.



What if I can help you get transformative clarity and unwavering peace by guiding you through daily reflective practices and uniting you with our supportive community?


I affirm the transformation I've experienced through the shared elements of this membership, which, within less than a month, strengthened my faith and resilience…

and I want the same for you!

Go from being overwhelmed and disconnected ➤➤➤

to being empowered, spiritually aligned, and creatively inspired


Stop trying different self-help methods that are inconsistent complicated , time-consuming, or simply don’t work anymore and ➤➤➤

have a simple, clear strategy that you can (if that’s what you want) speed up with guided spiritual practices


Stop navigating your spiritual journey alone ➤➤➤

get support, prayer, accountability, networking/partnership, and creative opportunities in our amazing members-only community.

Frequently asked questions

What exactly is the Faithful Creativity Essentials Membership?

Our mini membership is a transformative journey that blends faith and creativity. You'll receive monthly guided art and Bible journals, video tutorials, resources, and access to a supportive community, all designed to nurture your healing, renewal, and personal growth.

I'm not an artist. Can I still benefit from this membership?

Absolutely! You don't need to be an artist to join. This journey is about self-expression and exploring your faith creatively. Our guided journals and resources are tailored to all skill levels, making it easy for everyone to participate.

How much time will this require? I have a busy schedule.

We understand the demands of daily life. There's so much demanding your attentions (laundry, kids, shopping , home-schooling etc) . You are probably thinking that you don't have time to do craft but I want to encourage you. Even if it is only 5 minutes of doodling during a prayer time or in your bible... God will bless you during that time. That's why our resources are designed to fit into your routine. Whether you have a few minutes or more, our materials are adaptable to your pace. This journey is about nurturing your soul and growth, so even small moments can make a significant impact.

What if I've tried similar programs before and didn't stick with them?

We've designed the membership with structure and variety to keep you engaged. Our community, guided resources, and diverse monthly themes ensure that you'll find renewed inspiration each month. Plus, we're here to provide the support and motivation you need to stay on track.

When will I get access?

You will receive an email with all the details immediately after your purchase and will get access to our inner circle group within 24 hours.

Can I cancel the membership?

Yes, you can cancel your membership at any time. There are no long-term commitments, and we believe in offering flexibility. However, we're confident that the value and growth you'll experience will make you want to stay part of our community.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes,. We offer a 7-day money-back guarantee. Join us, explore the first week of content, and see if it resonates with you. If you're not completely satisfied, just let us know, and we'll provide a refund. Your satisfaction and peace of mind are our priorities.

FAQ image

How will this journey impact my faith and creativity?

The Faithful Creativity Essentials  is designed to deepen your faith journey and enrich your creativity. Through guided journals, art projects, and community connections, you'll experience a profound blend of spiritual growth and artistic expression.We're here to address any questions you have. Feel free to reach out to us for further clarity, as your journey and peace of mind are important to us.


Christian Art Journaling © 2022 Inspiring Christians from Around the World